Category: Welcome to Improv
Choice and the Role of the Coach in Presentation
The motivation to write this week is that I’ve seen too many novice presenters who have been turned off from presenting because of negative and/or unhelpful feedback they have received in the past. Rushing to the defence of the critic, it’s only human nature to yell “speak louder” or “I can’t hear you”. However, presenting…
Impromptu Pre-Write on Improv Class 1 (time box = 15 minutes)
I’m sure I’m not the only one to have reflected on a course plan in writing prior to the class being deployed. At times when we reflect freely there doesn’t have to be sound reasoning for the impulse. Writing sometimes frees us to allow new intel to emerge. This is one of the benefits of…
An attempt to make the outline for an Improv course even longer
Creative and Collaborative Challenges are coming…… Interdisciplinary Improvisation is not your typical course nor does it adhere to the literal constraints of a course outline. No matter how well I pre-organize and communicate the 13 sessions that you’ll experience in advance, as soon as we interact, the outline will change. There’s a reason for this…
Disrupting the Assumption of Collaboration
Why should we assume that collaboration means the same thing to different people? Is it enough to say that I’m a good collaborator without really defining what that means. We’ve all had different experiences so will likely define a good collaboration differently. One Solution One of the strategic exercises that I facilitate at the Master…
Crowd Surfing Love @ the Centre for Digital Media
What better way for a brave group of Chinese students from the Communication University of China to start our fifth IDEA-X @ the Centre for Digital Media Program in Vancouver. Crowd Surfing is a fun and engaging way for learners to embody trust—to know what it feels like to support others who depend on you, and in turn to…
Disrupting the Classroom
This video shot at the Masters of Digital Media Program by learners who over the years have contributed to the disruption of teaching and learning. The video gives you a taste of different methods of engaging learners in order to promote a teaching and learning environment that is collaborative and self-reflexive. A free download of an excerpt of…
Improvisation & Communication
A short video detailing the advantages improvisation has to support communication in collaborative activities. Shot with the 8th cohort at the Master of Digital Media Program in Vancouver, Canada.
Reverse Engineering a Class
I’m trying something new for my class this first week of November. I’m going to reverse engineer the next Interdisciplinary Improvisation class that I teach for the Master of Digital Media Program—one that disassembles and analyzes the inner workings of what I’m going to teach in a reckless (and likely impossible) attempt to answer, “Why would you teach…