Category: Mentoring and Coaching
Choice and the Role of the Coach in Presentation
The motivation to write this week is that I’ve seen too many novice presenters who have been turned off from presenting because of negative and/or unhelpful feedback they have received in the past. Rushing to the defence of the critic, it’s only human nature to yell “speak louder” or “I can’t hear you”. However, presenting…
Reflections on Mentoring Projects 2015: V. 23
As the last semester came to a close, I too decided to perform the painful but rewarding activity that I’ve asked my students to do many times before: document a reflection of what I learned through mentoring projects. The more challenging part that I took on, is that I also wanted to make the reflection public. I’m balancing…
Assume Learners Are Not Empty Headed
I’ve seen so many teachers think that learners need to be broken down. In order to understand what you are teaching they have to be re-trained from scratch and moulded afresh. This is not only dangerous since it assumes that you have the authority and the wisdom of a guru to do so, but I’ll…