Lurning through Failur This is a presentation that I prepared early in 2017 for a seminar at Simon Fraser… digital prototyping, disruption, disruptive, failing, improv, improvisation, learning, reflection, success
However Maslow 1943 However Maslow 1943 “However” (Maslow, 1943), “it” (Holtgraves, 1997) “may” (Foot, 1972) “be” (Bloom, 1971)… academic, critical, digital prototyping, disruptive, references, referencing, scholarly, scribbles, writing
Reinventing the Audience Experience at Salon Series #3: A streamed dance event Often times, at the Centre for Digital Media’s MDM Program, we challenge our learners to innovate.… audience, AX, CDM, collaboration, composition, dance, digital prototyping, disruption, disruptive, hybrid, iterative, mdm program, MovEnt, reconstruct, small stage, social media
Teaching Prototypically As a teacher, embracing the values of prototyping has meant a solid commitment, understanding and breakdown… design, digital prototyping, hybrid, pennefather, philosophy, prototyping, reflection, teaching
‘Learning Through Error’ when Solving Problems In last week’s article ‘Improvisation Principles and Techniques for Design’, Gerber (2007), highlights five areas in… collaboration, collaborative design, design, digital prototyping, error, game, improv, improvisation, learning, mdm program, mistakes, rapid prototyping, reflection
Rapid Prototyping Techniques @ the CDM The videos below represent two different ways that I’ve attempted to capture typical rapid prototyping processes… CDM, digital prototyping, disruptive, embodied prototyping, improvisation, paper prototyping, pennefather, physical prototyping, prototyping, rapid prototyping